The African Green Revolution Forum 2021 Summit concluded in Nairobi, Kenya on 10 September with a call to all African leaders, organisations, and partners in the agriculture sector to change the status quo of food systems on the continent.

Photo: IFAD/ Bernard Kalu
In this decade of action, Africa will require great leadership, accountability, and commitment to support agri-SMEs and the smallholder farmers who manage 80% of sub-Saharan Africa’s farmland. Recognizing that SMEs are key to building resilient food systems, especially those led by women and youth, the Agribusiness DealRoom at the Summit hosted over 4000 entrepreneurs who presented their investment plans and needs to potential investors and partners.
During the Summit, moved by the challenges the continent has faced over the last decade including climate change, a rapid increase in population, the COVID-19 crisis and other external shocks, six African Heads of State committed to:
catalyze rapid expansion in agriculture and food productivity, with a particular focus on smallholder farmers and women;
boost investment financing for Africa’s food systems;
ensure access to safe and nutritious food for all;
strengthen Africa’s food markets, and;
build resilience, especially through social safety nets and early warning systems.
African Heads of State and more than 8,500 delegates who participated in the Summit agreed on a declaration through which Africa presented a unified voice at the UN Food Systems Summit. The declaration aims to ensure that critical food security development drivers such as access to markets, farm inputs, technology know-how and innovations are shared equitably for the benefit of all.
See here for more news from the Summit.