SAFIN partners have continued to develop and implement innovative responses to ensure inclusive access to finance for agri-SMEs and smallholder farmers during this global crisis. Some initiatives from across the network are highlighted below.

©IFAD/ Edward Echwalu
Harvesting data from the front lines
CGAP launched a biweekly survey of microfinance institutions to gather data related to the pandemic’s impact on demand, liquidity and solvency; response measures taken by these institutions; and the effects of public policy responses.
ITC published a report summarizing observations of how the crisis has impacted small farmers and producer communities, and responses that can be taken across value chains to respond to this impact.
APRACA conducted a survey to assess the preparedness and responses of financial institutions in Asia and the Pacific to the global pandemic.
The Asian Farmers’ Association documented the impact of the pandemic on small farmers and fishers in the region, and new initiatives undertaken by farmers organisations support to their members.
AgriFin launched a survey to assess the global situation in agriculture and agricultural finance during the early stages of the COVID-19 outbreak.
ADFIAP documented the recent initiatives of development finance institutions in the Asia-Pacific region in response to the global pandemic.
Producing recommendations and guidelines
FAO established a knowledge hub with policy briefs, food policy warnings, crop calendars and databases with daily updates on the impact of the pandemic on food security across the globe.
ILO released a sectoral brief with policy recommendations to ensure working conditions for agricultural workers that are in line with international labour standards.
AgriFin issued a flash note for agricultural finance providers covering instruments to support short term and recovery strategies and a flash note on the future of agricultural finance after the current global crisis.
Technoserve released two reports recommending digital training and other methods to help enterprises in developing countries weather the pandemic.
AGRA released a position paper on COVID-19, issued a policy brief on how governments can integrate the agriculture and food sectors into nation-wide resources and launched the Food Security Monitor, which documents staple food prices, government interventions and the food security outlook in Africa.
Mobilizing new resources to address COVID-19
IFAD launched the Rural Poor Stimulus Facility to accelerate the recovery of the rural poor by supporting production, access to finance and markets, employment and digitization, receiving a commitment of CAD 6 million from Canada for this initiative.
Mastercard Foundation created the COVID-19 Recovery and Resilience Program to expand access to financial services for MSEs, enable e-learning and support adoption of digital solutions among vulnerable populations globally.
World Bank Group announced the creation of the Disaster Risk Financing and Insurance Program to help transfer financial exposure related to natural disasters and health-related risks to insurance and capital markets.
Sharing food for thought
ISF Advisors, RAF Learning Lab and the Feed the Future initiative initiated an Emergency Briefing Series to look deeply at how the current crisis will affect livelihoods, agricultural trade and food security in rural areas.
ITC launched a dashboard to track COVID-19 trade measures and offer free access to trade data to help micro and small enterprises (MSEs) and policymakers improve decision-making during the coronavirus emergency.
AFEX published a report describing the impact of COVID-19 on Nigeria’s commodities market and future outlook for the market and hosted a webinar on unlocking funding for smallholder farmers in Nigeria, describing the current landscape of available funding and future opportunities in the sector.
ALIDE established a resource library with regular updates on the responses to COVID-19 by development banks and international financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean.
IFAD commenced the Farmers on the Frontline live talk series and established a knowledge hub detailing how the crisis is affecting smallholder farmers and food security globally.
IFC hosted a webinar on responses to disruptions in agribusiness supply chains in Vietnam, and a webinar on how digital payment systems have contributed to mitigating disruptions in Ethiopia and Kenya.
Oikocredit hosted two webinars on scenario building for microfinance institutions and cash flow stress testing for agribusinesses to enable them to better navigate the impacts of the COVID-19 crisis.
GAFSP commenced a COVID Conversations series describing how its investees are adapting to disruptions in supply chains, domestic operations and sales.
GDPRD established a knowledge repository of the regional and thematic responses of member donors to the COVID 19 crisis.
GFRAS and YPARD launched a COVID-19 Stories competition to draw greater attention to innovative local solutions that enable the agricultural sector to operate under partial or full lock-down.
Heifer International started the #HeiferTogether Live Chat series to highlight the effects of COVID-19 on sustainable development and agriculture in preparation for a post-pandemic world.
CABFIN and SAFIN hosted a webinar review of integrated de-risking schemes to promote rural and agricultural finance in Sub-Saharan Africa.
CGAP published a briefing note with six key recommendations for regulatory responses to COVID-19 in the microfinance sector.
RAF Learning Lab and AgDevCo hosted a webinar on how agri-SMEs can utilize digital technology for smallholder outreach and engagement.
Last updated on 7 July 2020.