About the event
Strengthening and fostering greater opportunities for women in agriculture and food systems is a key commitment in the Declaration on Transformative Solutions for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Systems, at last year’s OECD Meeting of Agriculture Ministers. In this webinar, experts will discuss how policy measures in their countries are promoting progress towards inclusivity along the food supply chain and how data is being used to evaluate and reinforce the effectiveness of these measures to reduce current inequities.
Fostering gender inclusion can have positive impacts on the food systems’ triple challenge of ensuring food security and nutrition for a growing population, supporting the livelihoods of millions of people working in the food supply chain, and doing so in an environmentally sustainable way. Yet these positive synergies are often invisible as sexdisaggregated information is not collected. Based on OECD countries’ experiences, the recently released Gender and Food Systems report provides a roadmap to identify and overcome evidence gaps on gender aspects and policies that address gender inequality in food systems with the aim of advancing women’s contribution to food systems. The workshop will be opened by Cecilia López Montaño, Minister of Agriculture & Rural Development of Colombia and Marion Jansen, Director of the OECD Trade and Agriculture Directorate. Following a presentation from the OECD Secretariat on the main insights from the Gender and Food Systems report, national policy makers from OECD member countries will present policy approaches and experiences in advancing gender equality in food systems.

Event Details:
Location: Online
Organizer: OECD