About the event
Access to affordable, appropriate sources of financing for smallholder farming households remains a significant challenge to their ability to improve productivity and build sustainable livelihoods. Mounting pressures from climate change, conflict and the cost-of-living crisis make farming even more risky in the eyes of financial providers. But innovative solutions are out there. Partnerships between financial institutions and global development organizations have been working to reduce this risk, while digital platforms have increased accessibility of financial services to smallholders, especially women.
In this webinar, experts will present financial inclusion case studies from smallholder-focused projects in Nepal, Mexico and sub-Saharan Africa, followed by a moderated discussion of how key stakeholders can unlock better financing options for these populations.
- Surita Sandosham, CEO of Heifer International
- Chloé Gueguen, Women’s Digital Financial Inclusion Advisor at CGAP World Bank
- Karla Breceda, Founder of El Buen Socio
- Prakash Katwal, Business Development & Access to Finance Lead at Heifer Nepal
- Daniel Huba, Community Pass Market Development Lead for Sub Saharan Africa, Mastercard

Event Details:
Location: Online
Organizer: Heifer International