Participants at the validation workshop for SAFIN's investment prospectuses in Uganda
On 26 March 2019, two validation meetings were held in Kampala, Uganda to discuss the investment prospectuses developed for the coffee and oil-seeds (sunflower and soya) value chains in Uganda with key local players, including local SAFIN partners, the Ministry of Agriculture, and producers operating in the oil seed and coffee sectors in the country.
The prospectuses describe investment opportunities in the coffee and oil seed sectors in Uganda, incorporating agri-financing data categorized by financial institution tiers and value-chain stages. Detailed financial models for selected investment opportunities at the level of smallholder farmers and agri-SMEs are highlighted in the prospectuses, including investment requirements, rate of return on investment and sensitivity of return to Equity-to-Capital ratio and interest rate.
The investment opportunities identified include:
In the oil-seed sector: soybean bulking for the local market; soybean farming; medium-scale sunflower processing; small-scale sunflower processing; and smallholder sunflower farming.
In the coffee sector: coffee dry processing; coffee farming; and coffee export grading.
During these meetings, participants expressed interest in linking the coffee-focused investment prospectus with the current work on a national roadmap for the coffee sector led by the Uganda Coffee Development Authority. They also recommended additional investment opportunities for further consideration, such as processing sunflower cake.
Read the Investment Prospectus for Coffee Value Chains in Uganda
Read the Investment Prospectus for Oil-seed Value Chains in Uganda