World Bank Group relaunches the Agriculture Finance Platform

The Agriculture Finance Platform (AgriFin) of the World Bank Group's community of practice on agriculture finance was relaunched on Friday 13 December 2019. Since its inception, AgriFin has promoted best practices for agricultural finance and provided opportunities for networking and learning to its 7000 members through webinars, study tours and peer-to-peer boot camps.

This new phase for the platform remains centred on knowledge exchange among agriculture finance professionals, but introduces greater focus on engaging with policy makers and on facilitating multidisciplinary discussions between agri-finance experts, researchers and policy makers with new functionalities.

Hosted as a group on the Collaboration for Development (C4D)- a secure social collaboration website focused on development issues AgriFin's knowledge repository includes reports, policy papers, videos and diagnostics produced by the World Bank and other external partners on a range of agriculture finance topics. An interactive discussion forum has also been added to the platform, allowing members share their experiences and exchange views on the expansion of rural finance in the developing world.

Visit the new AgriFin platform here.